Frequently Asked Questions
Do you take insurance? What are your rates?
We do not currently take insurance. For a typical 50 minute session, our fees range from $90 for our student intern to $165 for fully licensed therapists. 90 minute session, which are recommended for couples, are offered at a discounted price.
I am not religious, can I still see you?
Yes! Although our training is Biblically based and we are able to offer that perspective, we believe the most therapeutic approach is to meet the client where they are. We have seen and had success with clients from many backgrounds.
What is the difference between a counselor, a psychologist, and a psychiatrist?
Great question, glad you asked! A psychiatrist has a medical degree and is able to diagnose and prescribe medications. A psychologist has a Ph.D or Psy.D and focuses either on research and education or clinical practice and testing for neurological disorders such as ADHD or Autism. A counselor holds a masters or doctorate degree and typically focuses on talk therapy to address client's issues.
The best approach for many is allow these three professions to work in tandem. The best way to approach someone who may need medication, for example, would be to combine medication with therapy, medication helps stabilize and decrease symptoms while therapy allows the client to understand where the problems come from and figure out how they want to handle them. Another example might be a person who goes to talk therapy and realizes they may benefit from an ADHD evaluation.
How is therapy different than talking with friends?
Having friends who truly know and accept you as you are is essential and beneficial for not only our emotional but physical health as well. As great as they are, there are limitations to what our friends can provide. The benefit of seeing a professional counselor comes from objectivity and expertise. Having someone outside the situation who is trained in listening, asking questions, and dealing with the specific issue that you are facing may be a benefit that you cannot gain from a friend.
How long do sessions typically last?
Each session is 45/50 minutes in length unless we decide together that longer sessions would be beneficial.
My marriage is good enough, should I still see a counselor?
Well, how do you define "good enough." Some couples that are highly emotionally intelligent and intentional that we would recommend coming in monthly, every three months or even every six months. Even these couples, however, often state that they gain something from the therapeutic process. There is something about intentionally sitting together with a therapist who really listens that alters the dynamic of the couple and paves the way for corrective experiences and deep connection between the couple.
My marriage feels like it is over, can counseling save it?
If two people are willing to do the work of therapy, the answer is absolutely. It is a privilege to watching couples go from feeling hopeless in their marriages to understanding the specific issues and the steps they can take to do something about it.
I am not sure if I need a counselor, is it only for people who have something "wrong" with them?
Pursuing therapy simply means learning to take control over whatever issue you are facing, be it large or small. We live in a broken world and unfortunately, all face challenges. Recognizing and admitting those challenges takes courage and even more-so the step to ask for help. Often people will seek help when they feel stuck in a certain behavior or thought pattern and need help to get out of it.
For those of you who are faith based, we see therapy as part of the sanctification process. Being able to explore how God wants to grow and change us is part of our spiritual journey.
It is really my husband/wife who has the problem and they refuse to see a counselor. Can counseling still help me?
One of the major lessons of couples therapy is that we cannot change our partner. This can be devastating for some who have endured pain in their marriage and truly want things to be better. Counseling can help to counteract that feeling of helplessness by identifying what you can control and learning to move forward in your own self care rather than waiting on your partner to change.
How long will I have to be in counseling?
The length of the overall therapy process varies from a few weeks to years. Every person is unique and comes in with unique issues to address so determining the length of therapy is subjective. That being said, if you prefer to create a loose plan for therapy, we are happy to collaborate with you to make that happen.
How often do you recommend meeting?
To begin, we recommend no less than twice a month to establish rapport and gain traction. Once we feel like we are making progress, sessions can be spread to every three weeks, once a month or quarterly until it is time for termination.
Can you talk more about termination? How do I know when I'm done with counseling?
Termination is the goal of counseling and something we should discuss at the beginning of our meetings. When we mutually feel we have met our goals and have little to discuss it is time to discuss termination.
What books do you recommend?
Feel free to peruse the resources page to see some of my favorites.